terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

Feedback on Readers

What do you think of the Reader's Project we did this semestre? Did you like it?
What is the best thing about reading in English?
Would you like to continue doing that? Why?

Share with us your opinion!

123 comentários:

  1. I absolutely loved the activities, I improved my vocabulary a great deal, and yes, I'd really like to continue reading next semestre.

    Lilian - Intermediate - 3.1
    Teacher: Elisângela Freitas

  2. This type of activity is very important because it help me with the vocabulary and when the books have a cd I can improve my listening too.
    I hope this activity continue for all time of the course.

    Joana - 1.3
    Teacher: Elizângela Costa

  3. Bem,não gosto muito de ler livros,mas sei que tenho que práticar,tenho lido alguns,achei excelente.No momento estou assistindo bastante filmes em inglês,estou entendendo bastante.Esta sendo ótimo para o meu inglês,peço então para ter mais filmes.obrigado.
    Marcos-Elementar 1.3

  4. The Reader's Project is very good!
    I liked, the problem is that I have little time to study and practise English.
    Reading helps a lot in my vocabulary.
    Well, I do not Know if I would continue!

    Júnior _ Elementary 1.3
    Teacher _ Luciele Carole

  5. No começo eu não achava os livros do Blue Flash legais, pois os livros em ingles era difíceis.
    Mas agora que eu estou me acustumando, vejo que não é tão difícil.E estou gostando muito.
    Além disso, os livros estão me ajudando a uma leitura melhor, e até uma melhor pronunciação melhor.
    Pego também filmes, estou achando ainda difíceis, mas dá pra entendeer algumas coisas.Mas quando me acostumar...
    O livro que eu mais gostei foi ''The Big River'', meu primeiro livro.
    Estou adorando, quero continuar pegando, praticando e adorando os livros da Cultura.Eu sei que alguns são difíceis, mas sei também que esta será uma experiência muito boa para mim!!!

    Gabriela_Blue Flash

  6. Sim, eu gosto de ler os livros do Blue Flash porque aprendo mais palavras e a pronunciação melhora. Cada livro é um novo disafio.O livro que eu mais gostei de ler foi "The New Guitar". Eu quero continuar lendo livros em ingles para continuar aprendo mais a cada dia.

    Pedro Augusto Brandão Dantas
    Teacher: Luciele
    Blue Flash

  7. In my opinion Reader's Project was a project very good and interesting because this way we encourage students to practice reading and thus increase our vocabulary.Despite my short time with this I'm trying to dedicate myself to the maximum.

    Teacher: Luciele
    Total English 1.3

  8. Well, I think that the Reader's Project was very good this semester, I really liked in spite of not having time because I can practice my reading, listening and also speaking and I can improve my vocabulary! I hope to continue this activity because as Eliz Costa said we were quite involved when we talk about the book or article in the class! I like a lot!

    Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermidiate (32)

  9. Eu sempre gostei de ler livros em Portugues, mas não gostava de lê-los em inglês, pois não ententia nada, mas depois de entrar na Cultura aprendi a ler em inglês e agora tenho paixão em ler. Eu acho o livro The Crompton rock adventure o melhor. eu o acho fantástico. Vou sempre comtinuar a ler esses Fantastic book, porque não leio por obrigação, mas sim por diversão.

    Luisa Botti Guimarães
    Blue Flash

  10. I really like of the Reader's Project because is a good opportunity to practice reading and learn new words. I'd like to continue this activity next semestre, it will help me improve my reading.

    Eliz Costa
    Pre-Intermediate (23)

  11. Eu acho o readers legal.Gosto de ler livros em inglês,porque acho bom pra minha pronúncia e escrita, também é muito interessante.Agora acho que não vou parar de ler mais, porque me fez muito bem, com os livros aprendi muitas palavras 'novas' e pretendo continuar aprendendo.

    Name:Leonardo Campos Gomes
    Blue Flash

  12. I really liked the Reader's Project we did this semestre,because it gave us the opportunity to improve our English a lot.The activities done in the class involved everybody,because we didn't only read the books,but also we could share the new vocabulary we learned and opinions with each other,we got really excited.For this reason I'd like to continue doing it until the end of the year,because reading is extremmely important,without doubt! :)

    José Ricardo
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate(32)

  13. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  14. In my opinion the activity is excellent because everybody needs to read!I don't like to read in portuguese neither in English but I read when is necessary!!

    Name:Mariana Nacif
    Teacher:Luciele Carole
    Total English 1.3

  15. na opinião os livros da cultura são otimos e me ajudam muito pra aprender novas palavras e como escreve-las corretamente em ingles

    Name:Vinícius Vilas Boas Soares
    Blue Flash

  16. I liked this activity because I improved my vocabulary and I'd like to continue.

    Student:Aline Ap.
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(23)

  17. Well, this activitie is very important. I really liked doing it. It's good to improve our reading, spelling and we could learn new vocabularies. I'd like to continue doing it, because reading is very, very, important.

    Student:Lorena Leite
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermidiate (23)

  18. Em minha opnião ler livros em ingles faz bem pois me ajuda a escrever corretamente e me ensina mais palavras diferentes da materia que eu estou aprendendo

  19. em miha opinião ler livros em ingles faz bem a pois me ajuda a escrever corretamente e me ensina mais palavras diferentes da materia que eu estou aprendendo.

    Student:Thalles Luis
    Action Four

  20. I think Reader's Project was very good, because I learned new words and I could practice my reading. I'd like to continue this activity, because it helps me write better.

    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  21. Os livros da cultura inglesa sao muitos legais pois aprendi varias coisas otimas.Pretendo ler muitos mais livros do que lia.

    Bluue Flash

  22. eu acho essa atividade muito legal, pois várias pessoas tem dificuldades em pronunciar frases e essas pessoas lendo e praticando, melhoram a leituta, escrita, raciocínio....

    Bernardo Grossi
    Luciele Ladeira
    Action 4

  23. Mary Labanca de Oliveira22 de junho de 2009 às 12:12

    Eu achei este projeto ótimo, excelente, pois aprendi novas palavras, graças a criatividade de minha professora, a nos sugerir como atividade extra- classe.
    Student: Mary Labanca de Oliveira
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    TotalEnglish Elementary (13)

  24. Sim.Mas eu acho um pouco dificio os livros da cultura inglesa .O livro que eu mais gostei de ler se chama New Job.Sim eu gostaria de continuar lendo porque vou aprender novas palavras.

    Blue Flash student: Eugênio Teacher: Luciele

  25. Well,I love this activitie..
    Read is really important and interesting.
    I'll continue readin' multimedia's books!!

    Studant:Juliana Freitas
    Action Four

  26. Sim gosto de ler, pois é importante para melhorar meu inglês.
    Sim gostaria de continuar lendo, pois vou aprender mais.

    Francisco Moreira
    Blue Flash

  27. Im my opinion this avtivitie is very good.The reading is helping me a lot.Congratulations for the great idea.I'd like to continue this activity.

    Student:Luiz Henrique
    Teacher:Elizangela Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  28. I really like doing exercises in class about the books that I read.I absolutely love reading and It help me a lot to improve my english and my vocabulary.I can win many difficulties in Cultura because I read english books.
    I'd like to 'Fedback on readers' continue for a long time in Cultura Inglesa Barroso!!

    Student:Franciane Ventura
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(22)

  29. Bom!Eu acho que ler livros em inglês é bom porque além de melhorar sua pronuncia você aprende palavras novas e também é muito interessante.

    student:Vitor Márcio
    Action four

  30. Well,eu acho que ler livros em Inglês é nessesário pois,pode melhorar sua pronuncia,melhorar seu conhecimento e aprendem palavras novas.Ler livro em Inglês é muito interessante depois que você aprende pois,no começo é ruim porque você não sabe nada.

    studente:Victor Magno
    Action four

  31. well,I don't like read books because in my opinion it's not good!!!!

    Student:Márcio Antonio
    Action Four

  32. No começo achei meio 'boring' mais depois acabei me acostumando.O melhor livor q eu li foi The Misteri Train.Eu queria continur lendo porque com isso melhoraria meu inglês.

    Action 4

  33. At the beginning of the Reader’s Project, I was frightened, because I don’t have much time and I’m a little shy. But now, I notice that was very important for improve my English.
    I liked a lot! And I learned a lot too!
    And I would like to continue doing this activity, because I learned a lot of new words and I improved my reading and writing.

    Teacher: Elizângela Costa
    New English File Intermediate (32)

  34. I really like the activities,because I improved my English.I think the activities continue next semester.It is very important.

    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary(13)

  35. Well,I reckon the Reader's Project was very cool, because I improved my English and learned new words.

    Student: Francine
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (32)

  36. I really like reading...and read in english I like twice, because I can improve my english and learn a lot of interesting things. About continue this project, I want because as I said it´s so good to improve my english.

  37. Well, I don't have much time to read books. On the other hand, I learned a lot this semester and I fully agree that read is really important to improve my vocabulary and other things. So, I hope that the Reader's Project will continue next semester.

  38. Well, I don't have much time to read books. On the other hand, I learned a lot this semester and I fully agree that read is really important to improve my vocabulary and other things. So, I hope that the Reader's Project will continue next semester.

    Student: Marcelo Ferreira
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (31)

  39. I realy liked this activity.Because it's very interisting.The Riverboat Bill is my first book.
    I'd like to continue this activity.

  40. I realy liked this activit.Because it's very interisting.The Riverboat Bill is my first book.
    I'd like to continue this activit.Because I improved my vocabulary and is very good.

    Student:Ana Cláudia
    Blue Flash

  41. Well, I’m not addicted to reading books, but I have to admit that this project was incredibly important to improve my English, especially in my compositions. Absolutely, I hope to continue this activity, because in my point of view is one of the best ways to practice the reading and learning new vocabulary.

    Student: Giselle Rodrigues
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (31)

  42. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  43. In fact, reading is definitely the best way to improve our vocabulary.
    I enjoyed it a lot! So, I really think that it was an excellent activity because the most part of the people were incredibly involved when doing it. And of course, when doing a reading activity we're not only improving our vocabulary as well, but also our writing and sometimes our listening too.

    So... let's keep on reading next semester!!!


    Student: Iara
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (31)

  44. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  45. I learned a lot with this kind of excercise. I guess, read is important to improve the english, and I really want to read more books.

    Student: Alexandre
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(23)

  46. Can I to say the truth ?
    Well, I don´t like reading a book, but I make it.Why ?
    Because when I reading the books,I learn new words, new expressions and when the book come with cd, I can practice my reading and my listening too.Reader´s Project is cool .I hope to continue this activity.

    Only one person can make it for you !!!!

    Student: Marcos
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  47. Well, I think this activitie is very important, because helps me in my vocabulary,listening and my reading.. I hope to continue this activitie, because is very important!! :)

  48. Well, I think this activitie is very important, because helps me in my vocabulary,listening and my reading.. I hope to continue this activitie, because is very important!! :)

    Student: Ana Paula
    Teacher:Elisangela Freitas
    Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  49. Bom eu gosto muito de ler livros da Cultura, eles nós mostram coisas ótimas, e com eles aprendemos coisas interessantes, e nós divertimos muito !!!!

  50. I think this semestre was the best semestre on reader's project because our classrom read a lot of good books. Read good books it's the best way to improve our english pronunciation, listening and writing. I really like to continue reading intereting books next semestre.

    Student: Matheus Reis
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  51. Well, I think that the reading activity is really important because read helps you to speak and to write. Read improve our English a lot and it’s also relaxing. Let's do it in the next semester again! XD

    Student: Carlos
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (31)

  52. Well, In my opinion read books it's very good, because we learn a new vocabulary, practice the speaking and we also share this with a friend. I really like to continue reading next semester to learn always more. :)
    Student:Ana Flávia
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(23)

  53. In my opinion the Reader's Project is very important!
    I really like it,because I learn new words and it help me to improve my reading and my speaking.And when the book have a cd,it improve my listening too.
    I hope to continue The Reader's Project.Because I think,it's very interesting and beside I'll continue learn and to improve my English.

    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  54. well,I love this project because it´s very important and we learn new words.and same books have a cd which we can listening and practicing.

    teacher:elizangela freitas
    total english:pre-intermediate 2.1

  55. Hello,
    At first, I'd like thanks Cultura Inglesa this opportunity to talk about a incredibily challenge: Read a book on a month. In my point of view it's a great idea because it's the best
    way to improve our english.Congratulations to the teachers!!!!

    Student: Mara C Rachel
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (31)

  56. Well, I don't like reading books in English a lot... I prefer watching the films from Multimedia or the ones I have in my house, but what can I do... I need marks, hahaha!

    Derkian ;)
    Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  57. Well,read always is a pleasure fo me,so,I really like did the Reader's Project. I fully agree when the teachers speaks that read is essential and I could see it a lot last semester.I saw how incredibly I improved my vocabulary, writing an my speaking when I was telling about the books I read...
    I hope to continue doing this project until the end of the year ;)
    Student:Ana Luísa Moreira
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate(3.1)

  58. Well, reading is a way that we can learn more and improve our English skills a lot. This project was fantastic, because now I could notice that my English improved a lot and it continues improving after I started reading! We can increase our vocabulary and learn new stories. These are the best things that we can learn when reading. That's why I really liked this kind of activity that we did this semester. And of course, I'd like to continue doing it!

    Student: Igor
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  59. os livros da cultura está sendo muito bom para mim,porque tenho dificuldade na prova de SKILLS,já melhorei um pouco com os livros, mas pretendo melhorar ainda mais .Porque aprendi algumas palavras novas e soube interpretar melhor a prova.

  60. Reader's project is a big challenge...because studying and working isn't easy...but,this activity is improving my skills....I hope to continue..
    thanks cultura....
    congratulations for this iniciative...

    Student: Evandro
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate(3.1)

  61. os livros da cultura está sendo muito bom para mim,porque tenho dificuldade na prova de SKILLS,já melhorei um pouco com os livros, mas pretendo melhorar ainda mais .Porque aprendi algumas palavras novas e soube interpretar melhor a prova.

    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  62. Bem, eu gosto de ler livros da cultura, e aprovo o método usado pelos professores ,eu acho muito legal porque em um simples livro pratico muito a minha escrita e tambem a ler melhor. Tomare que continue pois a cada livro enriqueço cada vez mais o meu vocabulário no Ingles

    Student: Ygor Maximiano Rodrigues
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total Engish Elementary (13)

  63. Hello Teacher

    I think reading is very important to improve my English. I like the activity "Book Report" because the reading became a habit and my vcabulary was richer. Excellent activity.

    Student: Patricia
    Teacher: Luciele
    Totla English Elementary (13)

  64. I don't like reading books that much, but I must say when I read, I improve a great deal. And this semester with the Reader's Project, I learned a lot from these books. The best thing about reading books is that you can learn many useful vocabulary, and also it helps you to understand much more from texts and stuff. As I said, I don't really like reading books, but I would like to continue reading books, because I want to improve even more :)

    Rodrigo André
    Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  65. I liked a lot, and it's a good idea to help the students for the tests and to improve his/her vocabulary

    Ewerton Gabriel
    Eliz Freitas
    Total English Elementary(13)

  66. A leitura é um fator muito importante na aprendizagem da língua inglesa, e essa atividade tem contribuindo e incentivando todos os alunos da Cultura, não só na leitura, mas também na pronúncia e no enriquecimento de nosso vocabulário!! Continuem com esse excelente projeto.

    Student:Carlos Eduardo
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  67. Gosto de estudar na Cultura Inglesa. A metodologia é ótima. A professora é 10. Espero em um futuro próximo matricular minha filha mais velha.

    Student: Lúcio
    Teacher:Elisangela Freitas
    Total inghish 1.2

  68. Eu estou gostando muito desta atividade. Estou aprendendo muitas palavras e queria que esta atividade continue no próximo semestre =).

    Marco César Silva Ferreira
    Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  69. Well,I really like read,so I think "Feedback on Readers " is very good,because I improve my vocabulary,my listening,my reading and my speaking.

    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary(13)

  70. Hi!
    Well, I think this activity is very important for our pronunciation and vocabulary! I really like it, because reading is the most important thing in the world. I’d like to continue reading a lot of books and doing this activity!

    Student: Anna Clara
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  71. Eu acredito que esse projeto vem fazendo grande diferença para o inglês de todos os alunos da Cultura. Aumentando nossa capacidade de entendê-lo, melhorando nossa pronuncia e ainda somando conhecimentos para nosso vocabulário. Com isso tudo acho que esse projeto deve realmente seguir em frente!

    Student: Filipe Otávio
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  72. Well, I really loved the project because it helped improve my vocabulary, my interpretation and my pronunciation. So of course the project should continue. =)

    Student: Kárenn Ávila
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  73. Bom, acho excelente o projeto de leitura dos livros, porque com certeza ajuda muito a melhorar nosso vocabulario, ler é essencial em qualquer lingua!! Vai uma idéia pra continuar o projeto não apenas com livros, mas com revistas, jornais, artigos, etc...

    Student: Mário Luis
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  74. I really liked this activity because it helped me to improve my english. I had a great opportunity to learn many new words and expressions. So,I hope to continue doing this kind of activity.

    Student:Franciane Souza
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Elementary (13)

  75. I don't like to read books that much, but I know is necessery, it's the best form to learn a new vocabulary and understand more from texts.
    This semester with the Reader's Project I learned much more new words.If I just do the exercises on class, I don't learn so many nem words like I learn on books.
    Yes, I would like to continue reading the books because I improved my english much more.

    Luiza Guimarães
    Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  76. I like a lot of the riding, because besides being very interesting to read, and whe I read I can improve my speaking,writing and reading.

    Student: Camila Soraggi
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    New English File Intermediate (32)

  77. In my opinion the Reader's Project is very important!
    I really like it,because I learn new words and it help me to improve my reading and my speaking.I'd really like to continue reading next semestre.

    Student:Marcella Moura
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermidiate (23)

  78. The Reader's Project was a great experience…
    In my opinion was very good because I learned new words…
    Well… The best thing about reading in English I don’t know ^^ because it’s helps in all senses…
    Yes I would like to continue doing this…

    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  79. In think this Reader's Project was a project very good and interesting, because it gave us the opportunity to improve our English a lot and this way we encourage students to practice reading and writting. But, I’m a little shy and don’t have much time! I'd like to continue doing the project.

    Teacher: Eliz Costa.
    New English File Intermediate (32)

  80. In fact , i believe that the Reader's Project was a brilliant idea this semester. I really liked, because i can understand better my reading day by day.
    I'd like to continue doing this activity, because i can learn new vocabulary, improve my listening and speaking.

    Student: Bruno
    Teacher: Elizângela Costa
    New English File Intermediate (32)

  81. I think the Reader's Project is a great idea. I liked it because I will improve my english. I believe this blog is a creative and smart way to learn more reading and writing.
    I'd like to continue doing it because I hope to increase these skills.

    Student: Allan
    Teacher: Elizângela costa
    New English Files Intermediate

  82. I don't like to read,( teacher, sorry!!! :) ) but how it is so important for practise speaking I think that Reader's Project have to continue next semestre.

    Student: Layla
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (22)

  83. Read is very important to me and I'm quite good at reading generally, so I feel happy about this project because help me in grammar and vocabulary too, that I really like this.

    Teacher: Elisângela Freitas
    Total English: Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  84. The Reader's Project are a excellent idea, because reading is very important. I think the project should continue, because this activity helped me a lot to improve my english, I learned a lot of new words and helped writing too.
    I'd like to continue this activity.

    Student: Gilmara
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermidiate (22)

  85. I liked the project, because helped me gain more in vocabulary and in how to write the words in english.I'd like to continue this activity.

    Total English 2.1

  86. I really liked the Reader's Project. I absolutely love reading books, because it's an excellent activity to improve my English and learn new vocabularies.Read help me to speak and write better.
    I’d like to continue doing this exercise for a long time. Read is very important.

    Student: Iara Beatriz
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(22)

  87. Hello Eliz..!
    I really like the Readers',because reading a book is very important activity to improve my listening(Audio book) and my speaking and read is more interesting.
    I'd like continue this project,and the blog was great! congratulations!

    Student:Kianne Paiva
    Teacher:Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(22)

  88. Well, I like this project. I think this activity is very important bacause it's help in my pronunciation, in my read, in the grammar and vocabulary too... and I'm learning new words. In my opinion the project should continue. You are CONGRATULATIONS!!

    Teacher: Elisângela Freitas
    Total English Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  89. I'm quite keen on the reader's project because it improve my vocabulary. And with the "book reporter" I improve my speaking and listening too.
    I'd like to continue doing that, because reading improve my english, writing and I learn a lot of new words!

    Student: Jéssica Silva
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre Intermediate (22)

  90. This project is the right way for us push ourselves to know more English,increasing our vocabulary,learning new expressions and writting better. I really liked it and ,yep, the project have to continue. Thanks teachers to show us this alternative to learn more.That´s a good point.

    Student: Ronam
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (2.2)

  91. I realy like reading english books. To my mind,the activity "Book Report" is very important to practise the four habilities: reading, writing, listening and speaking because we have to read the book to talk it in the class; so we learn news words and improve the writing, reading, listening (CD book) and speaking.I hope this activity continue next semester..

    Student: Wânela
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (2.2)

  92. Well, I absolutely love reading english books because I can improve my vocabulary, writing, speaking, listening. I hope to continue this activities, because it's very important!!

    Student: Tamiris Daiane Sobreira Pedrosa
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (22)

  93. Well, to tell the truth I'm not big fan of books in general, but I know that reading is a great exercise to learn grammar and vocabulary and hence to improve the English. Especially in this project which was not only writing but also the speaking done in a cool way! It would be interesting to continue this project, I think !

    Student: Diego Graçano
    Teacher: Cláudia
    Total English Pre-Intermediate(2.1)

  94. In my opinion the Reader's Project is excelent activity ,because I can improve my vocabulary. The teacher is very good.I loved the activities,but I have difficult in listening.I like reading a book.I hope this activity continue,because it's very important.

    Total English Pré Intermediate (1.2).

  95. Hello, I think the Reader’s Project is a really good idea. Honestly I like it, this project help me to find which is good read in English. The best thing about read in English is learned more words. In my opinion is very nice continue doing the project, because it gives the students the opportunity to read more and learned more too.

    Student: Ana Carolina de Melo
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas
    Total English Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  96. How nice!!!!
    É super interessante o trabalho feito com a leitura dos livros principalmente com o auxílio do cd book, pois além de trabalhar com a pronúncia, a leitura ajuda na ampliação do vocabulário e consequentemente tem um papel fundamental na escrita.

    Student: Flávia Cristina Duarte
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas
    Total English (1.1)

  97. Acredito que a leitura em inglês contribui no aprimoramento de nosso vocabulário, portanto é um projeto que deve continuar.

    Teacher: Elizangela Freitas
    Total English 1.1

  98. I think this activity is very nice, because besides reading, you get to know new words, expressions and improve your English. I'd like to continue doing it next semestre. =]

    Student: Emily
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total Engles Pre-Intermediate(2.3)

  99. Well! In my opinion the Reader's Project was very interesting this semester. I really like this activite, because help me understand the work school. This project devolops the capacity of interpretation of text and extending the vocabulary.

  100. Well,I really like this activitie, it’s very important to improve,my English.I'll continue reading books.
    ;D '

    Student:Mariana Mayrink
    Teacher:Elisângela Freitas
    Total English:Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  101. I am worshiping studying in Cultura Barroso. My teacher has a very good dynamic and has a great teaching. Try to improve my English and future talk, listen, write and read fluently and to succeed professionaly.
    I need practive my vocabulary and understand what is asked.

    Student: Jean Pierre
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas
    Total English Elmentary 1.2

  102. Muito interessante.É um estímulo direto ao contato com a língua. O fato curioso é que sempre existe algum elemento nos livros que em aula passou despercebido e se torna claro com a leitura. Em suma, há sempre algo novo e revelador!
    Student: Maurício Carrara
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas
    Total English Elementary 1.1

  103. Really and really interesting! Reading is the most important thing when we want to learn English! When we read, we improve our skills and learn new words! I'd like to continue reading!

    Student: Raíssa Pôssa
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (23)

  104. No começo, não gostava muito de ter que pegar livros em ingles e ficar tentando entender o que estava escrito. Mas quando peguei gosto pelos livros em inglês, fiquei com vontade de ler sempre e isso ajudou no meu desenvolvimento. Agradeço a Elis Freitas, por ter me incentivado a ler . Os livros são otimos .

    Student: Cínthia Cavalcanti
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Total English Elementary 1.2

  105. Os livros em inglês são bastante utéis, pois ajuda no vocabulário, melhora o desenvolvimeto e a pronuncia quando tem o cd book. Essa é uma maneira legal, fácil e rápida de aumentar o vocabulário.

    Student: Mariana
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Total English Elementary 1.2

  106. Adoro esse jeito da cultura de ensinar inglês, além das aulas e das tarefas, ler é um ótimo jeito de aprender e estudar. Ajuda muito, pois aprendemos não só a falar e escrever, mais também a interpretar textos.

    Student: Michele
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Total English Elementary 1.2

  107. Hello!!
    Well,I think this activity is very important for our pronunciation and vocabulary!
    The best thing about read english is learned more words.I'll continue reading books!

    Student:Ana Luiza
    Teacher:Elis Freitas
    Total English:Pre-Intermediate 2.1

  108. Gostei muito destes execícios de "Readers", que ajudam principalmente no enriquecimento do nosso vocabulário, portanto é um projeto que deve continuar.

    Student: Carlos Henrique Terra
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Total English Elmentary 1.2

  109. Adoro as aulas na cultura, é uma escola seria que formam alunos para serem profissionais.
    sem contar que as aulas são muito bem elaboradas. sem contar que nossa teacher ensina de uma maneira que voçê aprende com uma facilidade. espero que contunue assim e que não caia a qualidade.

  110. I love to reader books that have audio, it helps me learn new words and how to pronounce then.

    student: Luan Müller
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas
    total english: 1.1

  111. How nice!!!!
    É super interessante o trabalho feito com a leitura dos livros principalmente com o auxílio do cd book, pois além de trabalhar com a pronúncia, a leitura ajuda na ampliação do vocabulário e consequentemente tem um papel fundamental na escrita e a jente podera aprenda mais pq a cultura foi feita pra jente.

    student:leonardo silva monteiro
    Teacher: Elis Freitas
    Total English Elementary 1.2

  112. Well,
    I found the project interesting because it is necessary to read, it helps us to learn more. The only problem is finding time!

    Pollyanna Graçano

  113. I think that the Reader’s Project was very important and I absolutely loved it. This activity helped me improve my writing, speaking and listening while I enjoyed the books a lot. In fact, Reading in English is essential for my performance because the more I read more I learn new expressions and words. I’d like to continue the Reader's Project next semester, it will be a great opportunity for to increase my language skills.

    Student: Ana Caroline
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    Total English Pre-Intermediate (2.2)

  114. Ok,ok =) I don't like read any book, mostly books in english :/ I think it's really boring because the multimedia don't have interesting books to my level ¬¬, but read is very important for me, becuase I need learn english, and my future is in the class that I have Mondays and Wednesdays, so I think the reader's project is of extreme importance. I hope continue reading. =)

    Student: Paulo Henrique
    Teacher: Eliz Freitas

  115. Cultura Inglesa,
    Congratulations for the initiative. Read books helped me to write and speak better. I would like to continue with the READERS.

    Student: Maria Eugênia
    Teacher: Eliz Costa
    TotalEnghish Pre-Intermediate (22)

  116. The Reader's Project is really important because help us to improve our english:we can learn lots of expressions and words.but...is so difficult to have time to read and looking for books at the multimedia!!In fact, I think the project is a good idea and I hope that continue...

    Pre Intermidiate(21)

  117. I really like The Reader's Project .It's very important for me because help me to improve my english: I learned many new words and expressions and my pronunciation is better than before. But I have a problem: It's very difficult to me find time to do this activity.
    Well,I hope the Project continues ...

    Teacher: Cláudia
    Pre Intermediate (21)

  118. Well, I don't like much to read, but I know it's necessary because improve my vocabulary. I learned new expressions and is very important for we students.

    Waldeber Fraga
    Teacher: Elisangela Freitas
    Intermediate - 3.1

  119. The Reader’s Project is a brilliant experience. Reading is very important because this activity help me to improve my English. I learned many new words and it helped writing too. The only problem is the short time to do this activity.
    Well, I hope the Project continues.

    Student: João Walter
    Teacher: Cláudia
    Total English 2.1

  120. I think readers are very important to me, mainly in my vocabulary. I read "The Princess Diaries 2", I absolutely loved it. But I don´t read always, because I don´t have much time.

    Student: Fernanda Aline
    Teacher: Claudia
    Total English 2.1

  121. in my mum´s opinion the book is great!

    blue flash

  122. minha mãe adoroua historia, pois e muito interessante, e legal de ler

    Teacher: Luciele
    Blue Flash
    Student:Eduardo Jésus

  123. minha mãe adorou á história, pois e muito interessante, e legal de ler

    Teacher: Luciele
    Blue Flash
    Student:Eduardo Jésus
